Serves 10 - 3 ounce portions
Olive Oil 1 Tbl Butter 2 Tbl Mushrooms 6 oz Onions 1 oz Celery 1 oz Garlic 1/2 t. Cream 6 oz Milk 8 oz Chicken or Turkey Broth 6 oz Cranberries ½ cup Chestnuts ½ cup Basil 1 tbl, diced BK Herbs 1 1/2 Tsp
Brioche, or other soft bread 1 lb. Eggs 3 each
In a not pan over medium heat saute the mushrooms, onions, celery and garlic in the olive oil and butter mixed together.
Once soft and lightly brown add the cream, milk, herbs, cranberries and chestnuts and bring to a simmer. Cook gently for about 10 minutes being careful not to reduce too much.
While the liquid is simmering cut the brioche into 1 inch cubes and place in a bowl.
Pour the liquid over the bread and mix well. Cover and lets steam and soften for 15 minutes.
Check the consistency of the bread. It should be very soggy and loose. Depending on the dryness of the bread and how much you reduced the liquid you may need to add a little more bread or stock to the mixture. Mix well and let cool for a few minutes.
Season with salt and fresh ground white pepper. Whip the eggs in a separate bowl and pour of the bread and mix well.
I like to use individual molds that have been rubbed with butter. If you do no have any individual molds place the entire mixture into a baking pan. A cake pan will work well.
Cover with foil and place inside of a water bath in a 375 degree oven and bake for 20 - 30 minutes until firm and cooked throughout, about 155 degrees internal temperature. Remove the foil for the last 5-10 minutes to brown the top.
Serve at once.