The Rooster’s Foundation
The Orange County-based Roosters Foundation is both a charity and a social organization made up of professionals from diverse backgrounds. Each year, they raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for disadvantaged children. We’re grateful to be able to partner with the Rooster’s Foundation to provide meals for their Feeding OC Program.

Dan Stone, Chairman of the Feeding OC Program, said that the Rooster’s Foundation traditionally organized a food drive for the past 35-40 years to serve the Orange County community. Now they’ve transformed the food drive into the Feeding OC Program.
The Rooster’s Foundation discovered Bracken’s Kitchen and needed an option to provide meals to people suffering from hunger and food insecurity. “They were the most economical and efficient at providing nutritious meals and food for disadvantaged families,” said Dan.
“Prior to the pandemic, we worked with the Kitchen in a different way. We would pick a date and then we’d supply volunteers to help in the kitchen sorting, peeling, cutting, slicing, mixing prepping and making pans of lasagna and a variety of meals. That all changed dramatically,” said Dan. “We could no longer have that many people together and be involved in the volunteering aspect of making meals. Covid dramatically changed all of that.”
Now they’re sponsoring meals provided by Bracken’s Kitchen for charities and events such as Congressman Lou Correa’s event at Magnolia Service Academy. That event provided over 800 meals to those in need. And more recently they supported a distribution at the Boys and Girls Club of Buena Park serving hot meals as well as packaged meals and food boxes from Orange County Food Bank. During the holiday, Roosters also volunteered to help pack food boxes and family holiday meals in addition to serving and distributing thousands of holiday meal kits and provisions at the Holiday Drive Thru at Bracken’s Kitchen.
Dan Stone said the Rooster’s Foundation is passionate and committed to serving the hungry and food insecure through their Feeding OC Program for many reasons. Our events are great at bringing people together and building community with a singular focus on helping others. Working together from a volunteer standpoint is very rewarding. Also, a well - nourished child does better in school and is prepared to learn, thrive and grow. When kids are hungry it’s almost impossible for them to focus and learn. They become a disruption in class which often leads to them being ostracized and picked on by other children.

And finally, there are people out there who struggle often to get regular nutrition and we love to be able to support them by providing a tasty and nutritious meal.” The Rooster Foundation partnership has provided over 40,800 meals to families living with food insecurity alongside the Bracken’s Kitchen team. We’re grateful to be able to partner with the Rooster’s Foundation.