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Because Feeding People Isn’t The Same As Nourishing Them

Mahatma Gandhi once said that a nation’s greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members. And did you know that nearly one in four residents live in poverty in Orange County? Or that nearly two-thirds of local jobs don’t pay enough for a worker to rent a one-bedroom apartment? Currently, the cost of living in OC is 85 percent above the national average, but its median income is only 42 percent higher than the nation’s median. With these statistics, you don’t have to look far to see those that are affected by poverty in our community.

Bill Bracken, Founder of Bracken’s Kitchen, knows this fact all too well, as he is at the forefront of the conversation doing his part. Bracken’s Kitchen is serving up hot meals to those in need all around Orange County. (You may have seen Bill’s bright red food truck on the road, Betsy!) If you’re anything like Bill, you cannot sit idly by while people are in need and when you are at a capacity to help, “What is important to me is what ignoring those in need does to us as a people and a nation.” Needless to say, Bill’s compassion is compelling, and most notably, infectious. We needed to find out how it all started and where we could sign up to do our part.

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